Thursday, May 29, 2008

Back in Malaysia!

Dear All,

I am going back to Malaysia! But only for a very short period.

From 31 May to 3 June, I will be enjoying the food and sunshine of Malaysia. Anyway, it is sort of a business trip - I have to go back to my "home" country to sort out my visa applicaion as Hong Kong has stopped issuing work permits for foreigners due to the Beijing Olympic. So, "home" country that is!

I will be using 013-3777000 during my stay in Malaysia.

Hope to see you soon :)



Thursday, May 22, 2008


Weather: Fair
Temperature: 31 c

Written by Engtee







五月19日至22日为全国哀悼日。191428 全国人民向遇难者哀悼3分钟。此时此刻全国人民一道默哀3分钟,汽车、火车、舰船鸣笛,防空警报鸣响,全国下半旗志哀,停止了公共娱乐活动,报刊、网络则全以黑白色示人。


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Sunday, May 04, 2008

1 night in Nanjing

Labor Day used to be a golden week in China but it has been reduced to a 1-day holiday. Though I would love to enjoy a 7-day holiday, I supported the government’s move to reduce Labor Day holiday and to replace it with Tomb Sweeping Day holiday, Duan Wu Festival holiday, and Mid-Autumn Festival holiday.

1 May to 3 May is China’s public holiday. But, don’t envy us; we have to work on Sunday (4 May) to replace 2 May (Friday).

On 2 May, the Malaysian gang went to Nanjing (南京). I went to Nanjing 3 years ago with my family but I was with the tour group last time; this time, Nanjing gave me a different feeling.

I do not have the time to write a long article here so I will cheat by publishing some of the photos we took. Hopefully I will find the time (and inspiration) to write something about the trip. It was awesome!


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