Chinese or Malaysian?
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Temperature: 35 c
Throughout my stay in Shanghai, I have been asking this question: Am I a Chinese?
I think before I can answer the above question, I need to answer this first: Who is a Chinese?
In this connection, I found this article (click here) which more or less provides me with some form of guidance. Please read it and tell me, based on your opinion, whether I am a Chinese.
According to my China students, people from China are Zhong Guo Ren, whereas WE are Hua Ren. So how to translate Zhong Guo Ren and Hua Ren to English? I believe is Chinese?
中国人=Chinese people
华人 = Chinese
am i right? i am not sure.
I remember the people of my father's generation used to refer to themselves as "中国人". In those days, 中国人 means 华人. If you are 华人, then you are also a 中国人.
But now, Malaysian Chinese call themselves 华人, and no more "中国人".
But, Malaysian Chinese are still being constantly reminded that they are "Chinese" or "Cina".
What does that mean?
I am confused.
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