Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Chinese or Malaysian?

Weather: Sunny
Temperature: 35 c

Throughout my stay in Shanghai, I have been asking this question: Am I a Chinese?

I think before I can answer the above question, I need to answer this first: Who is a Chinese?

In this connection, I found this article (click here) which more or less provides me with some form of guidance. Please read it and tell me, based on your opinion, whether I am a Chinese.


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Blogger Shindy said...

According to my China students, people from China are Zhong Guo Ren, whereas WE are Hua Ren. So how to translate Zhong Guo Ren and Hua Ren to English? I believe is Chinese?

9 July 2008 at 19:44  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

中国人=Chinese people
华人 = Chinese

am i right? i am not sure.


10 July 2008 at 09:38  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember the people of my father's generation used to refer to themselves as "中国人". In those days, 中国人 means 华人. If you are 华人, then you are also a 中国人.

But now, Malaysian Chinese call themselves 华人, and no more "中国人".

But, Malaysian Chinese are still being constantly reminded that they are "Chinese" or "Cina".

What does that mean?

I am confused.

10 July 2008 at 09:51  

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