Monday, June 09, 2008

10% allowance cut

Weather: Rain
Temperature: 27 c

We should be proud of our Malaysian government. Why? Because our government is going to lead by example: they will “change” their lifestyle. How refreshing.

How? Well, our PM just announced that one of the cost-cutting measures implemented by the government is to cut the monthly entertainment allowances of the top government officials by 10 percent.

Wow! Big thing! The fuel price was increased by 41 % and our government’s official’s monthly entertainment allowances are cut only by 10%! They are really leading by example. If our top government officials are role models of our society, we should also follow suit and cut our monthly entertainment costs by 10% only. But, will that really help? Let’s see.

If you usually spent RM100 per month on entertainment (this will include movie tickets, occasional teh tarik, etc), now you should spend only RM90. In one year time, you will be able to save RM120! Wow! RM120 is really a big sum! Meaning, after 1 full year of cost-cutting, you will save enough to pump 1 full tank of petrol for your Proton WAJA. [UPDATE: My friend Harley just confirmed that after the fuel hike, RM120 is insiffucient to pump 1 full tank of petrol for a Proton Waja. Thanks Harley.]
Now you know why we should always follow the footsteps of our top ranking government officials? They are our leaders, how could they be wrong? Yeah, yeah!

In case you are wondering how much do our ministers currently get for their entertainment allowance a month:

Prime minister RM18,865;
Deputy prime minister RM15,015;
Minister RM12,320;
Deputy minister RM6,000.

Hello?! The prime minister’s one month entertainment allowance is more than my one month salary! Initially, I thought the RM18k was for 1 year, but I was wrong: it was only for a month!

What a bunch of morons! (Sorry, I will not mince my words from now on. After the unimaginable fuel hike, my tolerance for this present establishment has reached a boiling point.)

Engtee: Can I order this?

Harnniann: No! We have a 10% cut! Remember?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

PM lets the situation become more difficult by telling how much the ministers were paid for entertainment. Agree?


10 June 2008 at 11:46  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PM's one month entertainment allowance is more than some people's annual income.That's really bad. And how should the Rakyat react to this?

11 June 2008 at 08:02  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how should the Rakyat react to this?

Well, if you want to move forward -make more money to fight the inflation. Period.

But, if you are really frustrated - you may want to join the 12 July protest (but make sure you bring a payung or a baju hujan if the FRU sprays their favourite chemical water cannon)

11 June 2008 at 10:32  

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