Friday, October 05, 2007

Am I on Chinese Idol Reality Show?

Temperature: 29 c
Weather: Fair

I want to share with you some of my pasts.

When I was in high school, I was never a good student. I slept in class, missed home works, challenged the authorities of teachers, and was full of myself. Most of the time, I stubbornly thought that I was better than the teachers so why did I have to listen to them? I seldom studied or did revision. I spent a lot of time engaging in non-academic related activities, such as jamming guitars, organizing concerts, lion dancing, play acting etc.

Understandably, most teachers despised me. I was never their pet student. But, they could do little to me. They could not punish me for sleeping or not paying attention in the class though they would love to, because I always delivered in the examinations. Strictly from the standpoint of result cards, I was an excellent student. I scored high and produced good results. If you randomly add up my results of any 2 subjects (e.g. Biology and Geography), chances are you will get a figure very close to 200. That was me in High School.

After High School, with the encouragements from my parents and against the background of “Reformasi”, I went to read law in HELP Institute. As you may already be aware, I came from a Chinese School. I am 100% product of Chinese School and proud to be so. Though I do not necessarily agree that Chinese School equals to poor English, I must admit that I had a tough time adjusting and adapting to an English speaking environment. Moreover, I was reading law books as thick as phone directory, and I could only understand 10% of its contents.

I still remember when I asked the classmate sitting next to me, what is “constitution”, she was shocked and thinking I must be pulling her legs. The truth is: I didn’t know what constitution is until I bought the “Federal Constitution” at RM7.50.

Then 2 or 3 months later I had my mid-term exam. As usual, I went to the exam hall with minimal preparation but full confidence. I thought I did quite well in the exam but not until my results were released a week later. It was a disaster. The scores of all my 4 papers added up together were not even close to 100. I felt a punch in the face. My ego was blown into pieces. I immediately sensed a wakeup call. Something drastic must be done.

The rest, as they always say, are history. I finished my study and was called to the Bar in 2003.

Now I would like to talk about a popular reality show called “American Idol” or in Malaysia we have our own “Malaysian Idol”. This show is so popular that others have mimicked the format and formula and come out with a string of other similar shows. Basically there will be one aspiring singer singing in front of a group of jokers (or experts) and thereafter these jokers will start criticizing the singer about his skill, body language etc.

If you have followed the show, you would notice that these so-called criticisms are normally very acidic and bordering on insult and humiliation. Sometimes the remarks made were way below the belt. Never expect mercy from these jokers as they are not paid to be nice to you. Can you imagine the pressure of singing in front of a big crowd on national television and then standing on the centre of the stage waiting for the verdict? One brainless fellow may open his mouth and say, “I don’t know why you are here tonight. I only have 3 words for you: YOU CAN’T SING!” or “The only living persons on this earth who will not go into a coma after seeing your performance are those persons who already in coma.”

I always wonder why these contestants bother to go on stage in the first place. Why participates in this kind of competition when you know very well there are a group of morons out there, waiting to peel your skin off and make you feel naked in public. Just because you want to be a star?

I always laugh at these contestants who could not take the malicious criticisms and broke down. I would think: you asked for it!

Now my karma caught up with me. Coming to China is a new adventure for me. I am switching to a new environment just like when I was a Chinese School Student studying law at HELP Institute. I almost drown then but somehow I survived.

Sometimes I felt like a contestant, standing on the stage, facing the panel of juries, being insulted, humiliated and embarrassed. My ex-boss Eric will never insult, humiliate or embarrass me. The first day I worked for Eric, he told me that I have a practicing license of my own, and he respects me as a professional and an individual. That was his outlook against his fellow employees.

I knowingly walked out from the protective net of Eric Yap & Associates and walked up the international stage called China. I will face the merciless, cruel and brutal juries and be judged.

I am thinking: if a star wannabe could take those insults, humiliations and embarrassments before millions of television viewers, why couldn't I?

All these contestants who voluntarily stood on stage, swallowed their pride and withstood brutal attacks have one thing in common: they are chasing for their dreams.

Am I? Yes.


Vivien: Nice to see you here. Pictures of my apartment? Sure I will publish some next time but it is a small apartment so I guess a few shots would pretty much cover everything.

Harley: What is a "vegetarian statement"?




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